Baptism is the introductory rite for followers of Jesus. It is a joyous declaration of saving faith and inclusion in the family of God. Baptism itself does not save, but instead points to the reality that the one being baptized has been savingly united to Christ in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-6). Jesus commanded his followers to be baptized as a first step upon coming to faith in him and obedience should not be arbitrarily delayed in this area (Acts 2:38).

Baptism should be administered by local churches (not individual Christians), via immersion and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Just like Jesus’ baptism identified him as the Son of God (Mark 1:9-11), our baptism signifies our adoption as sons and daughters of God, delighted in by our heavenly Father.


Baptism at RCC

To be a member at RCC, you must have been baptized as a believer by immersion. We do not regard infant baptism as biblical, since there are not any examples of such a practice taking place in the New Testament. Therefore as a church, we do not baptize babies or accept infant baptism as a valid form of baptism.


Have questions about baptism or are interested in being baptized?

STEP 1: Read our short baptism booklet Why Should I be Baptized? (pick up a free copy in the Next Steps corner on Sunday).

STEP 2: Meet with a pastor to discuss questions from the book, share your testimony of coming to Christ, and sort out logistics. You can set up a meeting with a pastor by following this link.

STEP 3: Prepare written testimony and invite friends/family to baptism (date TBD).