A Letter From The Pastors

Dear RCC family,

We are at a unique moment in history. Not because of a pandemic, or presidential election, but because we are front and center seeing God do an amazing kingdom work in Baltimore city. In just 2.5 years, Redemption City Church has grown from a small Bible study in a living room to a thriving community in the heart of Baltimore. This is no small thing! We are experiencing the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to reach the nations with the gospel of grace, even in forgotten, hard cities like Baltimore. Nothing can stop the gospel from advancing, and nothing can stop Jesus’ church from growing. 

As our church gets more established, we know that our dream is to be a church that’s here for the long haul. We desire to be a church planting movement, fueled by the gospel, that reaches Baltimore city, and cities around the world, for the next 100 years. Our vision is for RCC to be 100 Years for the City. 

Ephesians 3:20 says, “God is able to do far more abundantly than we can ask or even imagine.” For what purpose? Verse 21, “So He would be glorified by His church and through Jesus Christ throughout all generations forever and ever.” That’s our hope. To see Ephesians 3:20-21 fulfilled. God is able to do far more than we can even imagine so He would be glorified through Redemption City Church. 

For the next 5 weeks, we want to journey together to consider: What would it look like to see God glorified through RCC for the next 100 years? So together, we’re going to take a step of faith, and ask God to do far more than we could ask or imagine. This 100 Years for the City investment campaign will challenge all of us to take courageous, faith-growing steps that perhaps we’ve never taken before. At the end of this series, our hope is that each of our faiths will have been strengthened, and we would leave this series in awe of an all-powerful God.

The time is now. Let’s jump all in to God’s mission to reach the world. We’re asking for 100% engagement and extreme generosity towards what He’s doing in Baltimore. We can lay everything down at Jesus’ feet because he has already laid down everything to save us. In response to his grace, let’s leverage our lives, our wallets, our time, our dreams, our skills, our everything to see the gospel saturate Baltimore, and churches planted all throughout our city. 

We’re excited to step out in faith with you. 100 Years for the City!!

Pastors Adam Muhtaseb and Adam Wilson

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