COVID-19 Update

RCC Family and Friends, 

As many of you are aware, Governor Hogan announced last week that the state of Maryland would be relaxing some Covid-19 regulations. In particular, he announced that churches would be able to gather at 50% capacity with social distancing guidelines in place. Although we were excited to hear about the possibility of our church gathering together in person under these guidelines, we felt it was wise to wait to hear from our local Baltimore City officials before we made any decisions. The day after Governor Hogan’s announcement, Mayor Young informed that Baltimore City would continue under a “stay at home” order for the time being. 

While we were initially disappointed to hear this news, since we long to see you in person again, we also feel it’s our joyful duty to follow the directives of our local authorities. Romans 13 informs us that God has placed our governors and our mayors over us as his servants and for our good. So it is that heart of trust in God’s sovereignty that we will continue to hold all of RCC’s gatherings and events virtually. Currently our pastor team and staff are diligently working on a transition plan for when restrictions begin to be relaxed in Baltimore City. We ask that you extend grace and flexibility in this season and we will continue to communicate with you regularly as circumstances change. You can also stay updated on our Covid-19 resource page

We pray that God will continue to give you His unending endurance. You are not alone and we are here to walk through this together. Let's rest in God's promise to make His name known in all the earth and let’s continue to display and declare the Gospel together! 

With prayer and love, 

RCC Pastors 

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