Resources to Help

As a church we believe in the importance of fighting against injustice and standing with the marginalized and oppressed. Pastor Wilson shared with us how God’s word gives us plenty of guidance on ways we should respond to injustice. 

First, we mourn and lament with those who are suffering. The Gospel gives us the power to weep with those that weep. To share burdens with brothers and sisters that look and speak differently from us. 

Second, we fast and pray. Fasting is a way to state that we hunger for justice more than we hunger for food. The discomfort we feel when fasting helps us to get a glimpse of the discomfort that so many feel on a daily basis. Fasting also helps us focus on our prayers. 

Third, we are called to be humble listeners and learners. It is easy to look at an issue from the outside and believe you have all the answers, but true servanthood calls us to listen and learn from those whose experiences are different than ours. 

Our staff has pulled together just a few resources to get you started on your journey of learning more about racial inequality and inequity. We have learned a lot from each of these resources and we hope you will too. Please keep in mind that some of these resources do not come from a Christian perspective and therefore do not represent all of our beliefs, but we believe they are resources that provide helpful insights into understanding these topics.


Be the Bridge - Latasha Morrison 

Divided by Faith -  Michael O. Emerson and Christian Smith 

Between the World And Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates

Woke Church - Eric Mason

Me And White Supremacy - Layla Saad


Just Mercy

13 Years A Slave



Pass The Mic

Just Thinking


The Opt-In


Pastor Charlie Dates - “I Can’t Breathe” -

Dr. Eric Mason - “Breaking Free From Strongholds” -

Pastor David Platt and Pastor Mike Kelsey -

Adam Muhtaseb Sermon - Diversity -

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